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Writer's picture: Hope StuartHope Stuart

PRESENTLY, there is a girl who wakes up every day with a PRESENT just waiting for her to unwrap. Yes, this girl experiences Christmas each day! It is special, in and of itself, receiving a PRESENT each and every day. However, what makes this PRESENT even more unique is what it brings her each day… for this PRESENT is no ordinary gift. Its value is worth more than all the gold and silver, diamonds and jewels… all the wealth this world has to offer. You may wonder how a PRESENT can be this precious. Here’s how…

This PRESENT is ornately wrapped with comfort… comfort woven with fibers of faith. This wrapped comfort is gifted to this girl each waking moment… comfort that never wanes… comfort that wishes all the worldly worries away. For this PRESENT offers her freedom from worry… freedom from stress. Through this wrapping of comfort comes strength that provides protection against all life’s storms… intertwined with unbreakable fibers of faith. No matter what she faces, this girl knows she always has a safe place to go… a secure place to rest. Fear is not an option with this PRESENT… only faith. Everlasting faith adorned with fibers of protection, beautifully wrapped in threads of comfort.

With the wrappings of comfort and faith that adorn this PRESENT, there is an invaluable gift contained within… the gift of eternal peace. This girl is able to wake up each day with a peace that surpasses all understanding… peace grounded in joy that can only come from above and within. Joy is something that isn’t subjected to the circumstances and situations of this world. No, true joy comes from above... grounded in the peace and hope only this PRESENT provides. Joy inspired by the knowledge that ALL things work together for her good at ALL times, regardless of how painful or challenging life may be.

Not only are the contents within this PRESENT beyond valuable and the wrapping beyond precious… there is still more. For no PRESENT is complete without a bow… and this PRESENT is no exception. This PRESENT is crowned with a beautiful bow of love. Just like the many facets of a bow… this love has many forms. Along with the comfort, faith, peace, joy, and hope that is wrapped around and packed within this PRESENT, this bow is composed of infinite goodness, kindness, gentleness, and patience… tied together with unconditional love. This is the kind of love that is beyond this world… love without barriers or borders, conditions or demands… love that is limitless and timeless. Yes, the bow alone grants this girl its own set of gifts lovingly tied to this amazing PRESENT.

You may be overwhelmed by this PRESENT’S contents, wrapping and bow, however, there is even more. The best is yet to come. For her most favorite part of this PRESENT is the tag that contains her name. Yes, this PRESENT belongs to her. It is engraved with her name… personally scribed for her. This PRESENT knows her… what she loves, what makes her unique. This PRESENT cherishes her unique talents and skills… her gifts. This PRESENT is there… each day… just for her. This PRESENT feels her every thought and sees her every need at every moment. This PRESENT listens to her, supports her and guides her every move. This girl and PRESENT have a relationship that can’t be torn, cut, ripped or broken. Her name is chiseled on the tag and will NEVER be erased.

The reality that this PRESENT greets her each day enables this girl to, not only perpetually wake up to Christmas morning; this PRESENT also reminds her to live within the PRESENT. This PRESENT is the gift that keeps on gifting… every moment of every day. The infinite PRESENCE of this PRESENT enables this girl to live in the PRESENT; focusing on all the gifts that come with this PRESENT, from the ornate wrapping lovingly tied with a bow that adorns the invaluable contents within… to the precious tag that contains her name. This PRESENT gifts her with a special sense of PRESENTNESS that can only come with the wisdom this PRESENT provides… enjoying life to the fullest… in each moment.

If you are in awe of this PRESENT and yearn for one that is engraved with your own name, you too can experience a perpetual Christmas. This PRESENT is not meant for just one person, but for all who believe in the ultimate gift. This PRESENT is for all who know the name above all names… JESUS. You see, with Jesus as our Savior, believers are indwelled with The Holy Spirit. God lives inside us; gifting us with all the comfort, peace, faith, joy, hope and love beyond our comprehension. This PRESENT is God’s passion to have a relationship with this girl… and with you. This PRESENT is NOT just for her, but for everyone who believes in The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. There is an inexhaustible supply of PRESENTS for all who believe in The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit… our Triune God. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BELIEVE. Believe in this amazing gift and be ready to receive this PRESENT… for the rest of your life… from here to eternity. Your invitation to a perpetual Christmas is ready for you to open… at this PRESENT moment… packed with God’s infinite love, specially wrapped with you in mind.

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