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Writer's pictureHope Stuart


For the past ten years, I have been blessed with the opportunity to pursue my passion for helping others maximize the efficiency of their spaces as a professional organizer. Throughout this career change, I’ve been able to help hundreds of families transform their residences into homes. For me, there is nothing more fulfilling than helping others transform the same spaces that brought them sadness… even depression… into places that bring them joy and peace.

Each client yearns to know the secret to creating houses into homes and cluttered spaces into organized places. As I have honed my organizing repertoire, there is one common element that is required of every organized space… each and every item must have a HOME… a HOME that makes sense to everyone who uses it. When an item has a HOME, everyone using it knows where to find it and how to put it away. When an item has a HOME, it fits comfortably into its HOME without struggle or strain. When an item has a HOME, it doesn’t get lost or misplaced. When an item has a HOME, the item is used appropriately and is cared for. When an item has a HOME, it is always at HOME.

The transformation that occurs between the before and after pictures of a space is full of energy, magic, and… HOPE. While there is a physical transformation of a space, I have also witnessed an emotional transformation; emotions of stress and strain are transformed to emotions of progress and peace. While my clients release their physical clutter, they release their emotional clutter at the same time. With the hundreds of transformations I have been blessed to be a part of, I can assure you… it never gets old.

A few years back, I started working my faith into my work. While I never force my faith on my clients, when a client conversation transitions to faith, I strategically infuse God into our organizing strategy. We discuss how God wants us to live an abundant life, a life focused on memories, not mementos; connections, not collections; experiences, not excess. Yes, God wants us to enjoy life surrounded by the things we love. However, He does not want the things of this world to overwhelm us; taking our focus off of Him and His eternal purposes for our lives.

As believers, we are IN the world, but not OF the world. This world is not our HOME… our HOME is in Heaven where Jesus lives. Our HOME is a beautiful place full of abundant peace and infinite joy. Our HOME is full of unconditional love and eternal HOPE. Our eternal HOME is our forever HOME.

The most beautiful thing about our heavenly HOME is that it is open to everyone. Jesus died on the cross to forgive everyone’s sins… yes, each and every one of us. He died a billion deaths on that cross; cleansing our souls from an eternal hell to an eternal HOME in Heaven. How do we get there? According to Romans 10:9-10, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.” All you have to do is ask… ask Jesus to be your savior and forgive your sins. Ask Jesus to enter into your life through the indwelling power of His Holy Spirit.

If you need words to pray a salvation prayer, use these from Adrian Rogers and Love Worth Finding Ministries: Oh, God, I'm a sinner, I'm lost, and I need to be saved. I know I can't save myself, so right now, once and for all, I trust You to save me. Come into my heart, forgive my sin, and make me Your child. I give You my life. I will live for You as You give me strength. Saying this prayer aloud, you now share a forever HOME of HOPE with believers all around the world, along with the multitudes who have gone before us. His Holy Spirit is now at HOME in you; guiding you with the fruit of His Spirit… inspiring you to have an abundance of love, joy, peace, patience, self-control, gentleness, goodness, kindness, and faithfulness.

Your forever HOME is full of HOPE… HOPE in Jesus who is our savior. We have a HOME that makes sense based on God’s character and wisdom. We know God’s location because He is always at HOME with us through His Spirit. We know God’s peace… the peace that passes all understanding… we are always comfortable in His HOME… without struggle or strain because He is the great Comforter. We know God’s character through His Word and in prayer. We know we will never be lost or misplaced. We know we are always at HOME due to His unconditional love. We are His children and He is our Father. He will never make us feel abandoned or lost because we are always at HOME in His wonderful and more than capable hands.

As you go through your day, finding your items in their HOMES, remember you are a Child of The King. Your forever HOME has been prepared for you… one that is beautiful beyond anything you can possibly imagine. This HOME will feel amazingly peaceful and comfortably familiar, just like your cell phone feels in its HOME… charging in its favorite outlet. You never feel lost, misplaced, or HOPEless… only love, comfort, peace, joy... energized by His Spirit. There is no place like HOME, especially a HOME where Jesus is.

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