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Writer's pictureHope Stuart


As I compiled my thoughts for this post, I was struggling a bit with putting any message worthwhile together. My original intent was to write about being thankful, giving thanks, and finding gratitude in all the little things God gives us that add up to big things, however, it just didn’t feel right at the time. Then, as I began listing the third thing I am grateful for in my gratitude journal, God emPOWERed me with only wisdom He can give… the POWER went out! The lights went dark, the electric fireplace stopped and the heating system went into pause mode.

When we focus on God’s POWER, it doesn’t matter what our circumstances are. His POWER is ALL we need. When we are in darkness, He is our light. When we are cold, He is our heat. When we are tired, He is our rest. When we are in the midst of the storm, He is our peace. When we rely on His POWER, we experience comfort… the comforted POWER that only He can provide.

I shared the meaning of comfort in my recent FEARless HOPE post. Comfort literally means… with strength. When we give our control over to God, we allow His POWER to emPOWER us. His POWER becomes the strength we plug our comfort into. His POWER and strength are all we need to get us through our trials and adversities. No matter what we face, when we face it with His POWER, we will get through it and come out even stronger... in His emPOWERed strength.

We are POWERless when we try to hold onto all things in our own POWER. We are POWERless when we try to fix our messes. We are POWERless when we try to act on behalf of God. However, with God POWER… we are POWERful when we let go. We are POWERful when we let God. God is most POWERful in our POWERlessness (is that even a word?). He finds POWER in our weakness. Just think about that irony for a moment… when we let go of POWER, He emPOWERs us!

Yes, I know it’s a bit ironic that we need to give up our POWER to be emPOWERed. However, God is THE MASTER of irony! I think He loves irony because it’s in those ironic situations that we tend to learn the most. It’s in the irony that we remember. It’s also in the irony that we laugh. God is MASTER of those LOL moments in our lives… those moments that are engraved in our minds… those moments that come with lifelong lessons.

As you go through life’s POWER outages… literally and figuratively speaking… know that God’s POWER is all you need. He is working ALL things together for our good. When we experience a loss, He has a gain in the works. When we experience pain, He already has peace in His plans. When junk enters our lives, He replaces it with joy. When we feel POWERless, He provides us with unlimited POWER that we can’t get from any other source. His POWER becomes our POWER source. When we give our POWER over to Him, we are emPOWERed with the POWER that towers over all other POWER sources… God POWER!

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