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Writer's picture: Hope StuartHope Stuart

If you’re anything like me, you have a deep affection for Chapstick. Yes, Chapstick. I don’t leave home without it. A day doesn’t go by where I haven’t applied Chapstick multiple (upon multiple) times. Cherry used to be my favorite flavor. However, in my “more experienced” age (hold the laughter), I could care less if I have access to cherry flavor or the good ole’ fashioned “Classic Original”. I am lost without it… yes, lost. Hope’s heaven includes Chapstick.

Ok Hope… I get your passion for Chapstick, but where is this story going? Glad you asked! It all started when I couldn’t find my Chapstick while traveling from one of my son’s many baseball games. I had it with me when we left the house because… I never leave home without it. However, when we were ready to return home, my dry lips desperately needed a “Chapplication”. To my displeasure, I couldn’t locate my fancy Classic Chapstick anywhere. The lack of Chapplication made for an uncomfortable ride home.

The next morning, I opened my devos and God showed up in His godly fashion. The devo centered on the verse from Hebrews 4:16: Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. I have read, heard, and applied this verse on numerous occasions. However, this time I connected several dots in terms of other Bible verses and godly lessons. This verse from Hebrews is telling (commanding) us to boldly come before God.

Connecting this verse from Hebrews to verses related to asking, believing, and receiving such as Matthew 7:7-8 and Mark 11:24, I suddenly had an epiphany related to my missing Chapstick. I decided to come boldly to God and ask Him to use His GPS (God Positioning System) to find my “Classic” stick. This time, I didn’t ask, BELIEVE, and receive… I asked, EXPECTED, and received. He even told me exactly where it was… no joke… and He told me to stop dilly dallying and go get it. So, I went to the driveway in my slippers (pjs and all) and opened our car’s passenger side door. I heard God sigh and say, “You need to go to the driver’s side and look behind the seat. “ In fear of hearing God sigh again I went right where He said it would be and… THERE IT WAS. My fancy “Classic” Chapstick greeted me with a smirk, just waiting to be applied to my thirsty lips. I asked, expected, and received all within a 5-minute timeframe.

While some may think changing the word from believe to expect isn’t a gamechanger, for me… it certainly was. I needed to kick my faith in God’s ability to answer my petitions into high gear… to an eternal level. You see, God’s ability to understand our needs and know precisely how to stretch our faith is beyond our earthly comprehension. It takes His Holy Spirit’s power and presence to propel us to an eternal perspective. And… the only way us humans have access to His Spirit’s power is through Jesus. As soon as we accept Him as our Savior, we have access to His power, wisdom, and HOPE… bold HOPE.

Immediately after locating my beloved Chapstick, my thoughts trended to using the word expect when talking with God. I mean, He told me to come boldly so I am being bold and owning it like a boss. Now, I expect traffic lights to be green and to find a parking spot close to the ballpark. I expect to have a healthy bank account and to have clients call me for more work. I expect my son to excel in school and with all his other goals, including playing ball in college. Yes, I expect God will turn ALL things for good while holding me in the palm of His hands when I experience trials and challenges.

I thank God for always growing my faith and HOPE in Him. He knew exactly what I needed the day I lost my Chapstick. I needed to, not only believe in my asks and His provision… I needed to expect His abundant and timely provision. I’m convinced God hid my Chapstick on purpose during that trip… to stretch my faith and transition my mild HOPE into bold HOPE. I promise myself and My Almighty Provider that I will expect good things in all things while expecting His abundance beyond my earthly comprehension. Thank you, God, for my new, bold HOPE and a found Original Chapstick... “Classic” 😉

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