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Writer's pictureHope Stuart

A Time of HOPE

It’s that time of year again when we put all our HOPE into one basket and start off a new year with new goals, resolutions, and habits. Yup, we have all been there and done that. And… by mid-January, we usually find ourselves defeated because our high HOPES on New Year’s Day are but a memory by Martin Luther King Day. How can we make this year different, not depressing… triumphant, not trivial… HOPEFUL, not HOPELESS? We need to make this new year a time of HOPE.


Yup… it all comes down to time… and HOPE. We need to give ourselves time to reflect on the past, time to treasure the present, and time to set goals for the future. The process of creating better versions of ourselves takes time and HOPE. HOPE in something better, HOPE in something greater, HOPE in something amazing! Take time during the month of January to study the past, present, and future you. You owe yourself that time to make goals that are smart and sustainable, attainable and measurable… goals that are full of HOPE.


Being a professional organizer, time management comes up a lot in my conversations with busy clients, especially moms, who are trying to do it all. I didn’t have a great answer on how to manage time. I mean, there isn’t one formula, one planner, one calendar tool that works for everyone. So, I always hesitated to give a detailed answer. If you know me, I am a fixer and when I’m not able to help, it makes me feel a sense of void… HOPElessness.  


Then, God showed up… again. He inspired me through His Word to focus on Jesus. DUH! Of course, Jesus will have the answer. During His 33 years on this earth, Jesus didn’t preach about time management, He lived it. Jesus modeled excellent time management through His actions. So, if you want to maximize your time, accomplish your goals, and live a fulfilling life, put Jesus in your focus and follow His lead. Thanks to Mike Glenn for providing insight into how Jesus’ managed time:

  • Jesus prioritized His relationship with God. He used prayer and quiet time to talk with The Father. Even Jesus needed time to hear God’s wisdom.

  • Jesus focused on important tasks by having clear and specific priorities (aka: SMART goals).

  • Jesus set boundaries and limits by saying no to things that deterred His focus and priorities.

  • Jesus lived in the present by being fully present in each moment, actively engaging with those around Him. He knew the present is a gift… that’s why it’s called “the present”.

  • Jesus modeled efficiency in time use and communication. He maximized His time by using everyday situations to send profound messages through parables (aka: “teachable moments”).

Jesus knew who He was and what He was sent to do. He had a clear mission and didn’t allow anyone to redefine who He was. He didn’t live up to anyone else’s expectations and was not held captive to anyone else’s agenda or time constraints. To be more like Jesus, we need to take time to know our gifts, talents, and mission… and build our goals, time, and HOPE around them.

Jesus took advantage of downtime. If the Son of God needed to rest and recharge, then we must give ourselves the grace to do the same. I find my best days start when I give myself time just to be with God in a quiet place, in my favorite chair, with no worldly distractions to separate me from God’s Word, wisdom, and will. God’s timing is always the best timing.


Jesus knew that all “emergencies” are not emergencies. A colleague told me, “Someone else’s poor planning should not become your crisis.” Honestly, most emergencies (aside from safety/health issues) should not be treated as emergencies.  Instead, infusing a bit of time into the equation turns most “emergencies” into an opportunity for a soul-ution centered on information, not emotion.


By living in the present, Jesus viewed interruptions as an opportunity to connect with someone. He wouldn’t brush them off or push them aside. Instead, He listened to them, respected their feelings, and then presented them with Godly wisdom. While interruptions, at times, can seem like emergencies, look at most as opportunities to connect with someone. You can make a difference in someone’s life by taking 5 minutes out of your day… many times even less than that… to share God’s light with someone who needs HOPE.


Jesus always knew where he was going. He never took is eye off God and eternity. He had a clear focus in the 33 years He walked the earth. He never wavered or hesitated. He knew who He was, where He was going, and what He needed to do to help us attain the Ultimate Goal… living with Him, The Father, and His Spirit in eternity.


Once you have established your goals, give yourself the gift of time in reaching them. I remind myself there are 168 hours in a week. This enables me to gauge my priorities… to list my goals in time increments, including sleep, to see where I land within those 168 hours. To my surprise, with only a few tweaks, I am able to align my goals within the 168-hour weekly timeframe.


Give yourself the gift of time and HOPE this year by knowing who you are and why you are here. Know your mission, your gifts, your talents. Go to God, focus on Jesus, and feel His Spirit’s presence (present) in all of it. Yes, there is no better time spent than knowing who you are as a Child of God and setting timely goals to get you where He planned for you to be. Be your best version of you by being present with God, present with others, and knowing your present you. Then, you can be a gift to others… offering them your time, while gifting them your HOPE.


Glenn, M. (2019, August 5). “Learning Time Management from Jesus,” Outreach Magazine. Outreach Retrieved December 30, 2024, from Learning Time Management From Jesus -

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